
How do you like my brent beard? Isn't that crazy? All the brents on this page (beside the actual brent, the xbox avatar and the minecraft brent) were created by incredible artist from the DWP community.

This site is really just a place for me to stick up my podcast feed, but I figured why not just put links to stuff about me around it as well. Like we all need those.

If there is something you feel missing from this site, just let me know, and I may or I may not add it to the site.



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A night of gaming...

Posted by Brent Copeland Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thanks Roboevan for Fable III! got it installed and played a bit last night. So far, the story has been good, the graphics and gameplay have been good as well. And the dog looks like my dog, Odie. Which is cool. i'd really like to play some of the coop if anyone out there wants to try that at all, just holler and lets get it hooked up. Also, right now is the Hallow's End event in WoW, so I've been doing that as well. Trying to get me the headless horseman's mount. 3 years of this, and still no mount. It's time!!! It's truly time! Then top that off with some TF2 fun on the 4L server and some Minecraft on my personal server, and it was a gaming extravaganza for me last night. Ok.. i'm hungry now. It's lunchtime. Then time to order some "The Shaft" stickers. Hope they turn out as good as they look, and hope we get t hem in time for minecon!


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