
How do you like my brent beard? Isn't that crazy? All the brents on this page (beside the actual brent, the xbox avatar and the minecraft brent) were created by incredible artist from the DWP community.

This site is really just a place for me to stick up my podcast feed, but I figured why not just put links to stuff about me around it as well. Like we all need those.

If there is something you feel missing from this site, just let me know, and I may or I may not add it to the site.



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On the plane

Posted by Brent Copeland Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Above tn on the way to Nashville seeing tons of tweets from folks that are already there or on the way. Can't wait to get there and see everyone. Eric and Wes are on different parts of the plane and I feel bad for the two folks that are sitting next to me. Nothing like a flight to get you wanting to loose some weight.

Anyways. We'll be in Vegas in around four hours god willing and we'll be looking for a taxi to Mandalay. Maybe they will have some sort of shuttle. See you soon!


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