
How do you like my brent beard? Isn't that crazy? All the brents on this page (beside the actual brent, the xbox avatar and the minecraft brent) were created by incredible artist from the DWP community.

This site is really just a place for me to stick up my podcast feed, but I figured why not just put links to stuff about me around it as well. Like we all need those.

If there is something you feel missing from this site, just let me know, and I may or I may not add it to the site.



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Hello, World

Posted by Brent Copeland Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It's me, Brent.   Are you listening?

It's been a long time since I have posted on this site, and I'm going to try and get it more active, but I usually say that every few years and it lasts a few weeks or sometimes a month or two, and then, usually, due to lack of attention, I abandon it for something else easier, and more fulfilling to my fragile ego.

So, anyways.. Let's see what happens this time.   If you'd like to ask a question of me, please do...

I'm starting to think that maybe I should just find a template that doesn't provide me the opportunity to actually post anything.  Maybe a picture of my toe or something.... Well, whatever...

What's new?  Well.. I added a box with my instagram photos on it.. feel free to follow me on instagram (Phoetix) or on Streamzoo (brentcopeland) and we can swap pics and what not.

Take care and I will talk to you all later... hopefully... maybe not.. we'll see...



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