
How do you like my brent beard? Isn't that crazy? All the brents on this page (beside the actual brent, the xbox avatar and the minecraft brent) were created by incredible artist from the DWP community.

This site is really just a place for me to stick up my podcast feed, but I figured why not just put links to stuff about me around it as well. Like we all need those.

If there is something you feel missing from this site, just let me know, and I may or I may not add it to the site.



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Posted by Brent Copeland Tuesday, April 24, 2012 2 comments

So, with the DWP and The Shaft, we get some opportunities that we normally wouldn't, and one of those is beta keys.   We have a TON of brick force keys to give away, and not sure how much time they will be needed.  SO, here are a few keys you can use right now for brickforce.  All that I ask is that you PLEASE, post when you take one, so that people can know that they shouldn't try it.. if this works well, I'll post more keys.  Here is the first batch!

Also, sign up with this link if possible:  http://www.brick-force.com/en/start/free-to-play?aff=dwp  and you get a free golden helmet i believe.



Posted by Brent Copeland Thursday, April 19, 2012 0 comments

Stepped on the scale today, and saw those numbers.  Some people might be very scared seeing that on the scale.  I did a little mental dance.  Yes... I've got a LONG way ahead of me.  say.. at least another 100 lbs or so.  But... In January, I was at 350.   So... 50 lbs lighter was a HUGE goal for me.   And that was all diet.  I haven't started exercising yet.  That's my next challenge.

And all throughout this process, I also quit smoking.  So after over 20 years of smoking.  I'm done.   No desires to smoke ever again, thanks to Allen Carr's "The Easy Way to STOP Smoking", which I highly recommend.

So, here's to another 100 lbs... which I assume will take me longer than 6 months, but we'll see.  Wish me luck!

Goings on...

Posted by Brent Copeland Wednesday, April 18, 2012 0 comments

There's a ton of stuff going on right now.  Working at Curse has me super busy every day and then after work, trying to get back into filming when I have time for the dead workers.  Then of course on the weekends, there is the Shaft.

In between all of that, I am also using Instagra.am as a creative outlet, and I've been enjoying it quite a bit.  I've always had fun editing images, but that has always been in photoshop, and I haven't really had the chance or reason to play around in PS lately.   My wife introduced me to a ton of cool apps on the iPhone, and after seeing the incredible images she creates using nothing but an iPhone, it sparked me into trying my hand at it as well.   (Take a look at her photos, she is "Gooniegirl" on IG)  Incredible stuff.  Truly.  She has changed the way I view the world with her spark and passion for photography.

I've also been trying out quite a few new games and betas.  Playing League of Legends some with friends at work, and trying the betas for the World of Warcraft expansion, as well as the Diablo III expansion.  And then finding time to play and record let's plays for DWP in Minecraft.

It's a very busy time for me, and I'm finding that it's really taking too much of my personal life.  I'm trying to spend less time gaming, and more time with the family and kids.   Games come and go.  In 10 years, there will be completely new games, and I'll have just as much fun playing those.  Every day that goes by is one less I don't get to spend with my kids and family.  How important that is, really didn't strike me until recently.

My son and I play some of the same games, but I won't him to understand what took me over 30 years to figure out as well.  Games are fun, but they aren't a substitute for life.  They should be played in conjunction with it, and not instead of it.  Keep a mental flow chart going, and if there is an option to spend moments with a friend or family, take that fork.    Don't get me wrong.. i've made tons of friends in games as well, and there are tons of benefits for gaming.  I am in no way saying don't play games!  I love games, and I will continue to game, and I think it's a great form of entertainment.  There are tons of benefits for gaming.  Seriously.  I think my son is in Space class and doing great in school partly because of games.  Same with my daughter.  They are both SOOOO smart, and in part I blame games... The other part is a great pair of genes to start with ;)

Not really sure what I'm saying!   Think I'll go play tennis with my kids instead of figure it out right now... See you all in a bit.


Hello, World

Posted by Brent Copeland Wednesday, April 11, 2012 0 comments

It's me, Brent.   Are you listening?

It's been a long time since I have posted on this site, and I'm going to try and get it more active, but I usually say that every few years and it lasts a few weeks or sometimes a month or two, and then, usually, due to lack of attention, I abandon it for something else easier, and more fulfilling to my fragile ego.

So, anyways.. Let's see what happens this time.   If you'd like to ask a question of me, please do...

I'm starting to think that maybe I should just find a template that doesn't provide me the opportunity to actually post anything.  Maybe a picture of my toe or something.... Well, whatever...

What's new?  Well.. I added a box with my instagram photos on it.. feel free to follow me on instagram (Phoetix) or on Streamzoo (brentcopeland) and we can swap pics and what not.

Take care and I will talk to you all later... hopefully... maybe not.. we'll see...


